Redfish Lake

Redfish Lake

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Flying to New Orleans.....

This is so crazy - to me anyway - I am flying on the plane right now and I am on the Internet on my little laptop. I saw a card in the seat pocket that said we have wifi on this flight and I just HAD to check it out. Yes - it cost me $9.71 - but whatever - I'm plugged in at 10,000 feet. I just had to laugh at the awesome ridiculousness of being soooooo connected even when traveling through the sky. And then of course - I had to blog about it - hehehehe.

Side note: Some of our class conversations have kicked around the TED videos.....I looked at the site for a bit the other day, didn't listen to any, but thought I would listen to a few when I get bored at this conference I am headed too (not that the conference will be boring - just long) and BLAM there on the cover of the in-flight magazine is a blub leading to a 4 page article about TED, TEDx, the history of the organization and examples of how the talks really have produced tangible change around the world. Facinating concept that I didn't really understand before reading the article. Now I must listen........upward on onward to the Big Easy - pending the hurricane doesn't redirect us......

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Digital Story Telling

As you can see from my earlier postings I have explored and posted attempts at Glogster, uploading my own video to YouTube and embedding it onto my Blog, and JING / Screencast. I have also been actively exploring the links to videos shared with us by our professor, including the Science in Plain English series of videos as well as Mrs. Kolberts student work. The After Chernobyl example of a Voice Thread was a particularly intriguing example of interesting content shared in an interesting and interactive way. I never knew such a digital thing existed before this week.
I am certainly a bit overwhelmed with all of my new knowledge - but glad that I can have a place to 'download' a little here on my blog. The next step is looking at my curriculum and finding ways that will enhancing my students experience with the content. I fear that creating my own content will take up a lot of my 'free' time, but I assume things will go more smoothly with practice. I fear that my students will get too absorbed into the technology and forget about the main purpose of the content. Again, I suppose this will diminish with increased exposure to these tools, and clear guidelines provided. I can only imagine the funny, creative, fresh pieces of work my students will come up with when given the tools to do so. With my 4 new flip cameras, set 12 new net books, and wireless internet in my room next year - I have NO excuse to ignore what I have learned here.

My first screencast.....

WHOO HOO! I am so proud of myself for doing this today! (I have to toot my own horn once in awhile). I went to Jing, downloaded the software, watched a couple of their sweet tutorials and jumped in. After I was done I uploaded it to I then went to (logged in with my same log in for JING), watched their getting started tutorial and learned how to get the code to embed here.

I tried to think of a quick and easy way to try out the program so here you go:

WOAH - at first it was WAY too big - so here is another attempt at changing the embedded code size....

Now its almost too small to see the details, but fits better on the page, but you can click in the lower right corner to make it a full screen while playing - good luck viewing!

I realize after watching it a few times, I could have paused while scrolling through the pictures - but hey - I'm new and was excited to produce something. ;)

My First Solo Video upload

This video is nothing cool or science-y - just a first attempt at recording myself, uploading to YouTube and working with the file though some of the other web applications and software that we are exploring for this course. Be kind......

Copyrights and wrongs

I read through the entire article on educators guide to copyrights. And I am very sorry to say that I think every single one of my PowerPoints is in violation of something.......what to do though? Go though each slide and request permission for every image used? Most of the images are from searching on Goggle - when you click on the image - it takes you to the webpage it is located on - but I am pretty certain this is NOT properly citing the source. I have to make copies of my PowerPoints for my modified students, I am pretty sure that violates something. I'm feeling bad - which does not exempt me from liability - but I am really overwhelmed at what to do.......yikes.

Monday, June 28, 2010

How new inventions affect human thinking.

Interesting day today - My husband and I were chatting with our neighbor in the front yard this morning and I told him about my recent trip to Bozeman and all the cool pictures I took. I told him I would be happy to email them to him he could enjoy, as he is an outdoorsy person, and he shared with me that not only does he not have a computer, but no email address either. I wasn't necessarily surprised by this, but more in awe of knowing someone who has the luxury of being so 'unplugged'. Should I be happy for him? or feel sorry for him? or a little of both? I let the idea swim around for a bit as we drove over to my in-laws and there on the kitchen table was this book: 'The Shallows - What the Internet is doing to our Brains' Here is a link to a review.

I obviously haven't read it yet - but I am intrigued - How is my neighbors brain different than mine due to being so disconnected from technology? How are my students brains different than mine due to be so tuned in to the digital world? How much do I want my own children one day to be plugged in - or out? Thoughts, comments welcome.

Google and all its glory.....

I have been a big fan of using Google as a search tool for a long time now. The fast, convenient access to images, videos, websites etc., have proven very useful for me. I have used Google to text questions or directions from my phone - (just text your restaurant name or whatever to 466453) I have used Google Earth to explore the planet in more ways than one - sometimes just to spy on my family in Michigan - or rather imagine myself on the lake with them. For this course I have up-ed my Google usage by utilizing Google Reader and Google Docs. Google Reader has proven to be AWESOME to keep up with all my classmates blog postings. I like the ease at which I can jump to a blog page and add a comment without going to each blog first. I have also 'starred' a few of your postings when your links seem useful for checking into a later time.
I have not added any more than the ones needed to read for this class (except for one personal friend and NOAA), but I would like to expand my blog lurking (I like this term coined by others) in the future. I can see how this would useful to use for selecting and reading news that I am interested in, rather than wading through all of my email updates, news sites, etc.
Now for Google Docs - What a cool concept. I of course had heard of it before, but never took the time to utilize it. My husband has also learned of its usefulness recently to edit a Power Point with some of his Master's classmates. So, I had him give me a little tutorial in editing and sharing documents. There have been dozens of instances in the past where this tool would have been incredibly useful at my school in sharing and editing a million things with my colleagues. The usefulness of it with students in and out of the classroom is also great - mind has been spinning with ways to apply this next year - which is why I made a Google Doc called 'lessons using google docs' and am able to add to it whenever, wherever I am. The joy of NOT worry about a thumb drive anymore is awesome.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


I went and checked out Glogster just now. It is a very easy, intuitive online program to make posters. Here is a link to my very first and very simple poster - no glogster - about my last few days in Bozeman:

I tried to 'share' it by using the Blogger button on the Glogster page, but it kept saying 'log in failed' or something.....I was hoping to complete my techy circle through easy posting, but not tonight.

I made it very quickly to just check out the program, but I could see how spending a bit more time would make it really cool. I think you could get overwhelemed and spend a lot of time manipulating pieces, but taking a good 30-45 minutes could get some nice results. It was very easy to upload pictures. I think it would be neat to use in the classroom and give the kids a specific time limit on doing all the creative stuff after they have done their research on a topic. I have had students make big cardboad posters before, recently moved to have them making Power Points, and I think this would be a great next step in the evolution of presenting student created work.All in all, I liked it. It was fun and simple, yet visually exciting.

I have not checked out Prezi yet, but from what I have read, it my be bit too advanced for my students.....but it is on my list to explore further.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


So I was also asked to set up a Twitter account for this WEB course. At first I thought LAME. I don't have time to tweet my life story in 140 letters or care what other people are tweeting about. BUT - I decided to give it a go with Dr. B's tweet/twitter timed chat - whatever it would be called - a bunch of science teachers and the like get on Twitter at the same time, put a certain 'hashtag' in their tweets (#scichat) and then you can 'follow' an ongoing conversation about whatever the topic is for that time. This week it was all about WEB 2.0 - imagine that! I jumped in a little late as a monster 20 min. hail storm trapped me outside......but then I started reading the tweets. I quickly got overwhelmed. After reading for a bit I decided to 'tweet'. Nobody replied to my question, but whatever, I could have tweeted again, but I felt a little like I was jumping into a conversation that I wasn't invited too! Even though I know we were, I still felt a little like an intruder. The way people repost tweets and carry on little side conversations is kind of annoying too. I did write down a few ideas from what people posted, and opened a few websites in a new tab to explore later. So I guess I got some good out of it. But, all in all, I just don't think I have the time or desire to invest more into this. Tweet on.

MSU - Wildflower ID course

Day two - Today we had a slight change of schedual (which i am learning is the norm in this class) and instead of staying in the classroom to practice we went exploring around Peet's Hill (near the public library). It was a beautiful day, sunny, slight breeze, nice people, lots blooming and a passionte instructor that meandered us around pointing out blooms that most of us would walk right by. The terminology is a lot to chew on - but she is patient and helpful, as are my other classmates. Tomorrow we are headed to Spanish Creek? Hopefully, the nice weather holds. YEAH! I got some pics in! Enjoy!
Some type of Penstemon



Our instructor Robyn

Ryan and Hadley and others kickin it.

Me - Peet's Hill

week 2 - new tools to try

At the end of this school year we were told that our computers were to be re-imaged this summer and that everything we had saved needed to backed-up somewhere else. Our fabulous media specialist (librarian) suggested we all use Delicious for our bookmarks. Sooooo a few weeks ago I uploaded them all there and never looked at it again. SO my goal this week is to learn how to utlize, tag, organize that information better. I think it is a tool that I could use a lot as I am always bookmarking sites and forgetting about them. I would also like to be able to share them more easily with my I'll reflect back here after I explore it a little bit more.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

First night in Bozeman

I made it to Bozeman today. It was about a 7 hour drve from Boise. Luckily the weather was nice and my book on tape kept me entertained. Besides the motorcycle gang that surrounded me for about 20 miles and the carnival ride semi-trucks swerving around, the road wasn't too bad. The scenery doesn't get really awesome until after Idaho Falls, but then its brethtaking. The Tetons to the East, rolling green hills ahead, then the Gallatin River Valley with its rocky outcrops and meadows. There is still a lot of snow in the moutains and the lilacs are just blooming around here which makes me particularly happy as they are peetered out in Boise by now. I arrived at Hannon Hall on campus and got settled into my room. Its a little more 'dormy' than I expected but will do just fine, I'm glad I brought my own bedding.....the large window and wireless internet is a perk, shared bathrooms down the hall not so much. There is a nice lightning storm and heavy rain falling.....makes me feel a little more cozy all alone here with my cheese and crackers and beer. I'm excited to meet my classmates tomorrow and get my wildflower ID skills on! I'll try and figure out how to post some pics on here tomorrow.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

First trip of the summer......

Getting ready to head to Bozeman tomorrow for the week. I'm taking the Wildflowers of the Northern Rocky Mountains course - so cool! I'm excited to check out Bozeman, I've only driven through a few times with my husband as we head on to Billings. He went to school there and has loaded me up with cool restaurants and bars to check out. Our buddy Jared is here visiting for a few days.....he's cruising around the Northwest this summer taking pictures and visiting friends. We're lucky to catch him and laugh a bit this evening.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Guiding in progress

My Guiding Principals on Technology Use in the Classroom:

1. I will not be afraid to try new types of technology.
2. I will allow my students to teach me.
3. I will make time for students to explore and ask questions.
4. I will give clear directions when giving a graded task involving technology.
5. I will try to troubleshoot problems before presenting a lesson to my students.
6. I will not let technology replace meaningful face to face interactions with my students.
7. I will not make assumptions about my students access to technology outside of the classroom - however I will show them what resources are
    available to them at school.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Introduction and Week 1 thoughts

I teach earth science and physcial science at Hillside Jr. High in Boise, Idaho. I have just completed my 5th year teaching, am half way through this Masters program and recently found out about out lovely pay freeze - so I will not be compensated for all of this $$ I have spent. One day it will come though......
My husband also teaches science in the same district, recently completed his Masters and work for the Forest Service in the summer. We spend very little time together these days.
I am headed to Bozeman this Sunday for a week. I am nervous about the 8 hour drive by myself, but looking forward to my first face to face interaction for the program. After that, on to New Orleans for NEA-RA over the 4th of July, San Diego for an AVID conference, a wedding in Denver......and hopefully squeezing in a little rafting/fishing here at home. Oh - and working on my Capstone research of course. ;)

So - Thoughts on the readings and assignments:  As was to be expected the information overload is a bit dizzying this week. But, I have now been forced to explore some things that I have kept in the back of my mind for awhile. I feel passionately about providing my students with a 21st century education......I need to work on my trust level that they will take the opportunity and use it responsibly - which is always a gamble in junior high. However, given the moderate to low experiences that are provided to them in school so far, I think anything I try will be exciting for them. I am fortunate enough to be getting a laptop cart with 15 netbooks and wireless internet in my room next year. I am already bursting with ideas after these first few days. Setting up a class blog and giving them time to respond will provide a whole new level of assessment that I have not used before. I can see my gradebook changing as I type's to more exploring in the weeks to come.

Monday, June 14, 2010

a monday night.

So I just got home from watching the stupidly awesome Bachelorette with my ladies, and find my husband diligently trying to figure out his first homework assignment for the summer (different class than me)......his new BLOG! Hahahaha - two science teacher nerds - setting up their first blog on the same day!!

Cool lightning storm tonight.....took the first real day of heat away.....I'm ok with it.

First Posting

Well, this is my first blogging experience. I have always thought 'i don't have time to do that' - but now - no excuses - it is a class assignment. I hope to be able to share and connect with my friends and family after this course. Will anyone ever read this besides my classmates that have too?

I have been on the computer for two hours straight now. I feel pathetic. It is a beautiful day and I have chores to do so more to come later.