Redfish Lake

Redfish Lake

Friday, June 18, 2010

Guiding in progress

My Guiding Principals on Technology Use in the Classroom:

1. I will not be afraid to try new types of technology.
2. I will allow my students to teach me.
3. I will make time for students to explore and ask questions.
4. I will give clear directions when giving a graded task involving technology.
5. I will try to troubleshoot problems before presenting a lesson to my students.
6. I will not let technology replace meaningful face to face interactions with my students.
7. I will not make assumptions about my students access to technology outside of the classroom - however I will show them what resources are
    available to them at school.


hhentschel said...

I'm diggin' your principles, especially #1 and 2. I've learned so much from a few of my students regarding integration of different forms of technology. I know that #5 can be the most challenging as it involves a lot of up-front work to learn, and then there always seems to be some glitch or what not. But, hopefully with increased use, there will be decreases problems. Great set!

sstatema said...

I really appreciate #2 - it can be so easy for us as teachers to think we know it all, but my students never cease to amaze me with what they know. They all have different past experiences and interests and are constantly teaching me new things (technology and life related). We're never too old to learn and there is no one too young to teach us!