Redfish Lake

Redfish Lake

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Flying to New Orleans.....

This is so crazy - to me anyway - I am flying on the plane right now and I am on the Internet on my little laptop. I saw a card in the seat pocket that said we have wifi on this flight and I just HAD to check it out. Yes - it cost me $9.71 - but whatever - I'm plugged in at 10,000 feet. I just had to laugh at the awesome ridiculousness of being soooooo connected even when traveling through the sky. And then of course - I had to blog about it - hehehehe.

Side note: Some of our class conversations have kicked around the TED videos.....I looked at the site for a bit the other day, didn't listen to any, but thought I would listen to a few when I get bored at this conference I am headed too (not that the conference will be boring - just long) and BLAM there on the cover of the in-flight magazine is a blub leading to a 4 page article about TED, TEDx, the history of the organization and examples of how the talks really have produced tangible change around the world. Facinating concept that I didn't really understand before reading the article. Now I must listen........upward on onward to the Big Easy - pending the hurricane doesn't redirect us......


Nancy Bryant said...

Tanya - how cool! I haven't tried the internet on a flight yet, but I think that is amazing! Last year when we went to California I was amazed that the screens on the chairbacks had maps that showed exactly where the plane was, the outside temp, and the altitude. That was pretty cool to me! Have fun!

Liz Welch said...


I really enjoyed the videos and narrative on your blog. What an effective tool to use for transferring knowledge. This application is a good way to teach two topics simultaneously--science and technology. Combined with time in the field holding little bits of nature like your summer school professor did, this new technique should really enhance the learning experience for your students.

Best wishes on your continued summer travels.

Bonnie said...

Hello T-bird - I am trying to keep up with you and all this new technology. So here goes - I'm posting a comment! Am having a great summer - and sounds like you are having a terrific hearing about it. Stay in touch, much love, Bonnie

Brunsell said...

What airline were you on? I think I read the same article...and forgot to keep it! I didn't have wifi though...

Tanya Marie Gordon said...

Prof. Brunsell - The article was in the airline magazine on a Delta flight. If the issue is still available when I go home tomorrow I'll snag you a copy or look for a link provided. ;)

DAD said...

Leave a url for TED and other websites.